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"Here we are, maybe it’s because in spite of all the work we do
It’s the child in us we really value
Here we are, with our fins up and our feathers flashing
Here we are, with our coconut shell brassieres chanting"

"PHindy Parrot Head Club is a chapter of Parrot Heads in Paradise.  Phindy was founded in 2001 by Tamara (Harrington) McClelland. We have raised thousands of dollars over the years for organizations such as Indiana Children's Wish Fund, The PourHouse, Relay for Life and many more. 

We have our monthly meetings on the Fourth Thursday of every Month.  The meetings begin at 6:30 PM at the Shi-Kay located at 1514 North Emerson, Indianapolis, IN.  We phlock early or stay late for social time.

In addition to Partying with a Purpose we also like to have PHun.  We have PHlash PHlocks and celebrate every important holiday such as National Margarita Day and Cinco de Mayo.

Please take a moment to like our Facebook Page for the most up to date information on meeting and PHlockings.


About PHiP (Parrotheads in Paradise, the international level)

The purpose of the organization is to promote the international network of Parrot Head Clubs as a humanitarian group sharing information and social activities for mutual benefit.

The organization will engage in activities that are charitable, educational and that promote the general welfare of the community. Parrot Heads in Paradise, Inc. is a Not-For-Profit Corporation, whose purpose is to assist in community and environmental concerns and provide a variety of social activities for people who are interested in the music of Jimmy Buffett and the tropical lifestyle he personifies.

This madness started with one club in Atlanta (founder, Scott Nickerson) and has blossomed to a network of over 200 clubs around the U.S. plus international clubs based in Canada, Europe, the Caribbean and Australia.

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